Tuesday, 4 August 2015

PALESTIN menglindungi polis Israel dari batu dilambung oleh pelampau YAHUDI (GAMBAR) . . .

g2 Seorang pegawai polis Israel didapati perlindungan tidak mungkin dalam bentuk 2 lelaki Palestin, yang, walaupun terdapat perbezaan mereka, terlindung dia dari batu, menurut gambar yang diambil di tengah-tengah pertempuran batu-membaling antara pelampau Yahudi dan Palestin.

Gambar muncul di media sosial pada hari Ahad dan telah diambil oleh jurugambar Shaul Golan untuk akhbar Yedioth Ahronoth Israel. Tebing Barat kota kara, Esh Kodesh, menjadi tempat pertempuran antara berpuluh-puluh peneroka dan petani Palestin, bekerja pada hari Sabtu tanah mereka.

Palestinians shelter Israeli policewoman from rocks tossed by Jewish extremists (PHOTO) . . .

An Israeli police officer found unlikely protection in the form of two Palestinian men, who, despite their differences, sheltered her from rocks, according to a picture taken in the midst of a stone-throwing battle between Jewish extremists and Palestinians.

The picture appeared on social media on Sunday and was taken by photographer Shaul Golan for Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. The West Bank outpost, Esh Kodesh, became the scene of clashes between dozens of settlers and Palestinian farmers, working on their land Saturday.

Terrified Israeli policewoman protected by Palestinians while pelted by rocks from settlers. (Poliswanita  Israel ketakutan dilindungi oleh rakyat Palestin semasa dilontar dengan batu-batu dari peneroka.) (Picture: Shaul Golan.)

Igal Sarna, yang menerbitkan gambar pada Facebook, menulis bahawa ia menunjukkan apa yang dilihat "selama bertahun-tahun di wilayah yang diduduki - Transformasi kesedaran"

Igal Sarna, who published the photo on Facebook, wrote that it shows what he has seen “for many years in the occupied territories – the transformation of consciousness.”

READ MORE: ‘Terror must be dealt with’: Thousands protest spike of violence in Israel (PHOTOS) (Kegentaran perlu ditangani ': Beribu-ribu membantah meningkat keganasan di Israel) 

Salah seorang dari lelaki berlindung pegawai Israel adalah Zakaria Sadah, seorang pekerja lapangan Palestin untuk Rabbi Hak Asasi Manusia (RHR), sebuah pertubuhan hak asasi manusia Israel.

"Walaupun ia adalah semulajadi bahawa pasukan keselamatan boleh mengenal pasti lebih banyak dengan orang-orang mereka sendiri, prosedur mengenai penguatkuasaan undang-undang dalam situasi yang melibatkan Israel ganas mesti jelas dibentangkan dan konsisten dilaksanakan," kata RHR dalam satu kenyataan, mengenai kejadian Sabtu ini.

One of the men sheltering the Israeli officer was Zakaria Sadah, a Palestinian field worker for Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR), an Israeli human rights organization.

“While it is natural that the security forces may identify more with their own people, procedures regarding law enforcement in situations involving violent Israelis must be clearly laid out and consistently implemented,” RHR said in a statement, regarding the Saturday incident.

READ MORE: Israel approves building of 300 new ‘illegitimate’ West Bank homes amid demolition protests (Israel meluluskan pembinaan 300 baru rumah 'tidak sah' Tebing Barat di tengah-tengah bantahan perobohan) 

Angkatan Pertahanan Israel (IDF) berkata, kedua-dua kumpulan telah melontar batu ke arah satu sama lain, dan apabila tentera tiba untuk menghentikan konfrontasi, mereka mendapat bahagian mereka daripada batu juga. Tiada laporan mengenai kecederaan yang dialaminya.

Israel baru-baru ini telah menyaksikan satu gelombang keganasan, didorong bukan sahaja oleh pertempuran antara pasukan keselamatan IDF dan Palestin, tetapi juga oleh pelampau Yahudi, sama ada ortodoks atau jauh-betul, kedua-dua bertindak terhadap orang-orang Arab dan Yahudi.

Menurut Presiden Israel Reuven Rivlin: "Api telah melanda negara kita" Beliau menyatakan bahawa "api keganasan, api kebencian, api kepercayaan palsu, diputarbelitkan dan berpintal. Api yang membenarkan pertumpahan darah atas nama Taurat, atas nama undang-undang, atas nama moral, dengan nama yang cintakan tanah Israel, "menurut Haaretz.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that the two groups were throwing stones at each other, and when the soldiers arrived to stop the confrontation, they got their share of stones as well. There were no reports on the injuries.

Israel has recently seen a wave of violence, fueled not only by the clashes between IDF security forces and Palestinians, but also by Jewish extremists, either orthodox or far-right, both acting against Arabs and Jews.

According to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin: “Flames have engulfed our country.” He stated that“flames of violence, flames of hatred, flames of false, distorted and twisted beliefs. Flames which permit bloodshed in the name of the Torah, in the name of the law, in the name of morality, in the name of a love for the land of Israel,” according to Haaretz.

READ MORE: Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers (Israel meluluskan hukuman penjara 20 tahun untuk mencampakkan batu) 

Ucapan presiden pada perhimpunan pada Ahad mencetuskan tindak balas dan kemarahan orang ramai yang tidak dijangka, "kedua-dua yg luar dan yg dalam talian", RT Paula Slier dilaporkan. "Terdapat juga ancaman terhadap nyawanya, dia juga dituduh sebagai pengganas dan pengkhianat," kata Slier.

Berikutan ancaman itu, Bet Agensi Keselamatan Israel Shin mengarahkan Pejabat Presiden untuk memfailkan aduan polis, menurut Haaretz.

The president’s speech at a rally on Sunday triggered a backlash and unexpected public outrage,“both off and online”, RT’s Paula Slier reported. “There also have been threats against his life, he is also being accused of being a terrorist and a traitor,” Slier said.

Following the threats, the Israeli Security Agency Shin Bet instructed the President's Office to file a police complaint, according to Haaretz.

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6oc9


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